Commerce Operations

Manage Online Storefronts and Marketplaces With Commerce Operations

Streamline commerce initiatives, enhance website performance, and improve gross merchandise value (GMV) with Blue Acorn iCi’s dedicated full-service team.

Despite the millions of dollars brands invest in commerce sites, nearly 98% of visits do not end in a transaction. Our team supports commerce initiatives such as product configurations, order management, and other day-to-day operations so organizations can focus on the big picture strategy.


The Benefits of Having a Commerce Operations Team

Evaluating commerce excellence.

Accent: #00d1a1
Commerce Operations

Blue Acorn iCi’s Commerce Operations team manages online storefronts and marketplaces to increase GMV year-over-year.

Our experts coordinate with clients to create seamless experiences for end customers and can focus on time-consuming tasks that would otherwise bog down an internal team or proactive tasks like competitive audits.

Comprehensive Commerce Management

Key Focus Areas

Marketplace Configuration

Product Management

Order Management

Inventory Management

Promotion Management

Vendor Management

3PL Integrations


Site Audits

Program Coordination

Working With Commerce Operations

A seamless partnership for better customer experiences.


Organization Benefits

  • Smooth vendor onboarding
  • Seamless integration to existing business systems
  • Real-time inventory updates
  • Efficient order flow to warehouse or 3PL provider
  • In-depth product mix analysis and standard reporting
  • Ongoing competitive landscape monitoring to ensure best practices


Customer Experience Benefits

  • The latest featured products
  • Prominent listings of recent promotions
  • Personalized recommendations for complementary products
  • A flawless site functioning as intended

Commerce Operations Success Stories

Seamless experiences that drive growth

Customer Engagement: Understanding The Voice of the Customer

Blue Acorn iCi helps organizations reposition their customer engagement teams to better understand customers and create positive brand interactions.

Case Study: Multi-Billion Dollar Streaming Service Enters The Next Chapter In Its Story: Digital Commerce

Having minimal digital commerce experience, the brand partnered with Blue Acorn iCi to manage the end-to-end online store operations.

Case Study: Beauty Retailer Addresses Holiday Demand with Canopy Offerings

To improve before the upcoming holiday season, Beauty Retailer wanted to analyze friction in customer journeys to understand buyer motivators and opportunities.

Case Study: Nonprofit Educational Organization Declares Successful Product and Fulfillment Update

Blue Acorn iCi successfully launched the new digital experience online and increased customer conversions with an improved fulfillment workflow.