Win in Commerce With Canopy

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Creating winning experiences in commerce is complex. In order to be successful, all pillars of the program must be firing on all cylinders to win in commerce. If one of the pillars isn’t firing, it creates a gap that interrupts the customer experience and can damage the brand.

Introducing Canopy

That’s why Blue Acorn iCi developed Canopy: an end-to-end commerce services program with best-in-class technology that combines commerce, experiences, and data to support the customer journey.

We believe in building partnerships with our clients and act as an extension of their team to ensure that no matter who is executing, we’re covered end-to-end and all working together for the program’s success.

What Falls Under the Canopy?

Our teams work together throughout the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase phases of the customer journey to:

  1. Create seamless customer experiences
  2. Increase your company’s gross merchandise value (GMV)
  3. Increase operational efficiency

The main areas that we focus on include:

A Full-Service Program

Canopy combines commerce, experiences, and data to support your business and your customer’s journey. Rooted with the right technology and formed by individual departments to form an integrated full-service program, Canopy offers end-to-end commerce and content services using a data-driven approach to create seamless customer experiences, grow GMV, and increase operational efficiency. We meet brands where they are to provide for their current and future business needs.

Case Study

A major media outlet required a partner with the capabilities to balance all facets of a flash sales environment to improve online sales that had become stagnant. Our team partnered with this organization to manage five flash sales per month and continuously improve their metrics.

Before partnering with Blue Acorn iCi, the client wasn’t able to direct their attention away from the latest round of upcoming segments to meet their YOY growth goals because they were trying to manage countless moving pieces. Because of this, they were looking for a partner who could handle the model they already had in place and needed someone to innovate the platform, increase traffic to the site, and increase sales.

Because this media company chose Canopy, their team included members from every service area within Blue Acorn iCi to become fully immersed within the program. After building and launching the site, the Blue Acorn iCi team streamlined the vendor onboarding process and the act of loading in new products.

Blue Acorn iCi heavily emphasized the Analytics + Optimization team’s efforts, to ensure analytics and reporting were set up and ready to go. Our team started testing things with more iterative or smaller aspects for quick wins, like sticky add to cart buttons, free shipping thresholds, and adding desktop notifications.

Because the Blue Acorn iCi team was able to streamline some of the moving pieces that created headaches for the media company in the past, we were then able to set ourselves apart because of our ability to also focus on the innovation of the platform. And these changes were performed quickly and efficiently.

How to Get Started
To set up a program specifically for your company, contact Blue Acorn iCi for a complete digital maturity audit. This audit assesses your company’s people, processes, and technology related to your commerce platform and business goals. Blue Acorn iCi will propose a strategy with the right players on the field, processes in place, and technology. Our approach identifies what’s working – and builds a plan to address what isn’t – to create a comprehensive commerce program for your business.