Is a single AEM instance best for your enterprise organization?

Is a single AEM instance best for your enterprise organization?

Most enterprise-level companies don’t have just one site in their portfolio; they have 2, 5, 10, sometimes even hundreds. They could be scattered across multiple platforms or, even worse, on a server underneath the IT guys desk. Choosing a platform for your company is key and having one that can handle all the sites in your portfolio is crucial.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) like many other platforms has a multi-site manager, making it easy to manage and maintain multiple sites on one instance. For example, they may have a site in Spanish, one in English, an ecommerce site, and a simple static site all in one solution.

Can AEM Handle multiple sites with millions of daily visitors?

Yes, it can. Where AEM stands out from other platforms is that it has the architecture to easily scale up. AEM comes out-of-the-box with a dispatcher making it easier to cache content and distribute visitors to multiple servers so they’re not putting all the load on a single server.

This question came up with a recent Fortune 100 client. Among their portfolio, they had a site that hosted millions of visitors per day, and at the same time they bought a company with a site that also had millions of visitors per day.

The client had two questions to answer: What platform is best for our business and do we go with a single AEM instance?

After many conversations both with the client and amongst our team, it was determined AEM was the right platform, and putting the entire portfolio on one instance made the most sense from a business perspective. It presented some challenges but in the end they decided to migrate to AEM because of its ability to scale and sync seamlessly with other Adobe products they already used such as Target and analytics.

With a lot of hard work from our expert team, we successfully got both sites, as well as other sites from their portfolio, onto one AEM instance.

Download Blue Acorn iCi’s “Amplify the Customer Experience with Analytics” whitepaper to learn how you can use analytics to enhance the entire customer journey.

Should your business move to one instance of Adobe Experience Manager?

Each business scenario is unique but from our experience with enterprise clients, I’ve compiled a list of factors you should consider when you're deciding whether to put all your sites on one Adobe Experience Manager instance:

In addition to the list of questions to ask, we’ve identified some pros and cons of moving everything to one instance. Honestly, sometimes it’s not the right decision to put everything in one instance. Depending on your situation you may want to split them across multiple AEM instances. Consider these points when making your decision:

Pros of One AEM Instance

Cons of One AEM Instance

Each enterprise has a unique set of business scenarios and no two are going to be exactly the same. What we’ve learned is that AEM can handle multiple sites with millions of visitors provided your server setup is right. It’s important in any scenario that you take the time to strategically plan what your going to do up front, ensuring your business and development/devops teams are in sync throughout the process.

If you have any questions about projects we’ve done in the past or just want to reach out we’d love to hear from you!