How Manufacturers Can Benefit From A Unified Reseller Network

How Manufacturers Can Benefit From A Unified Reseller Network

Manufacturers typically have little control over the digital experience when selling via/through a dealer or reseller model. This structure leads to less customer data shared between parties, lower marketability to purchasers, and an inconsistent customer experience. The solution? A unified platform that can be rolled out to multiple dealers while still holding the brand’s integrity.

Implementing a Unified Reseller Network gives manufacturers ownership over how customers engage with the brand, and can be offered to dealers and resellers as a way to solve asset management problems.

The Unified Reseller Network handles storefronts, reporting, navigation and search, business management, and other key B2B features. If you’re looking for a true solution for a B2B2C model, unify your network with Blue Acorn iCi’s best-in-class solution, built on the Adobe Experience Cloud. Learn more by downloading our informational booklet.

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