Healthcare Insights from Adobe's Head of Industry Strategy & Marketing, Health & Life Sciences

Healthcare Insights from Adobe's Head of Industry Strategy & Marketing, Health & Life Sciences

Healthcare customers are like the consumers of any other industry; they crave personalized digital experiences. Adobe’s Head of Industry Strategy & Marketing, Health & Life Sciences, Tom Swanson, recently presented to healthcare leaders in Phoenix to share how Adobe provides real-time experiences for healthcare customers.

Personalization Post-Pandemic

Bad news: The healthcare industry is behind when it comes to meeting customer expectations. Good news: When healthcare companies provide personalized experiences, customers trust the organization more and, as a result, are more engaged and feel the healthcare outcome will be better.

“Very few healthcare organizations are doing even basic personalization in their digital channels,” stated Tom Swanson.

According to Adobe, the numbers show that when meeting customers where they are with personalized experiences can positively affect the organization:

Swanson explained, “Customers are saying, ‘I expect personalization and in real-time,’ that means as data is being collected, it is being analyzed and used to generate insights, and the insights are being used to tweak what content is being delivered in what channel in order to meet the preferences of customers.”

Personalizing experiences involves 3 components:

  1. Data
  2. Content
  3. Omnichannel orchestration

When healthcare customers have more access to information, they are able to make informed buying decisions when the time is right.

How Adobe Is Impacting Healthcare

There are many moving pieces behind the scenes to personalize healthcare experiences. Healthcare teams need a platform that can govern who has access to protected health information (PHI) and has auditability features to protect patient privacy.

During the discussion, Swanson stated, “Adobe introduced a HIPAA-Ready data platform where we can take PHI and non-PHI, ingest it, store it, and transmit it in a HIPAA-ready manner. This gives you auditability, you can govern who has access, and there’s a consent management and identity management engine.”

Healthcare organizations can use Adobe's Generative AI technology to perform analytics on data in real-time and make recommendations as to what content should be sent to users in real-time. AI technology can also inform healthcare teams with suggestions on what content needs to be created based on customer experiences, how current content is consumed, and which audiences content should be delivered to.

Personalization within healthcare is just getting started and customers are ready for better digital experiences. Blue Acorn iCi is working with healthcare organizations to personalize customer experiences with the help of Adobe’s HIPAA-Ready technology. Contact us to learn more.