Blue Acorn iCi has Joined the Infosys Family

Blue Acorn iCi has Joined the Infosys Family

We are excited to announce today that Blue Acorn iCi has been acquired by Infosys.

Our Journey

Blue Acorn iCi was founded in 2019 when**** Blue Acorn, a digital commerce UX design and strategy agency, merged with data-driven marketing solutions provider, iCiDIGITA L to create a first-of-its-kind Digital Customer Experience company with a 300-person team of world-class engineers, data scientists, digital commerce experts, designers, and strategists.

Our journey to date has only been possible thanks to the ongoing contributions of many:

The first being the many people who have been part of our team. The Blue Acorn iCi team has proven to be leaders in solving the ever-changing and demanding Customer Experience & Commerce challenges, and we’re proud to have worked alongside this group of talented and professional people. Our entire team is excited to embark on this new journey of growth with the Infosys family.

The second is the relationships we have formed with countless partners and advisors who have helped us see our vision through.

And lastly, our appreciation for our customers who share our vision of end-to-end user-centric digital experiences. We are excited for you to continue the journey with us as we begin this next chapter as part of the Infosys family.

Why Infosys?

Over the last year, it became clear that aligning with Infosys would significantly advance our shared vision. This acquisition is a terrific fit for Blue Acorn iCi and, importantly, we are strengthening Infosys’ end-to-end customer experience capabilities across North America and are deepening capabilities in the Adobe, Magento, Salesforce Commerce and Shopify ecosystems.

Although there are differences in company size and culture, our underlying values are aligned. Infosys is one of the largest and most respected companies providing information technology and digital transformation services on a global scale.

Aligning with Infosys will significantly advance our shared vision to create a first-of-its-kind Digital Customer Experience company with a world-class team of engineers, data scientists, digital commerce experts, designers, and strategists. We will be able to better serve our clients as we elevate our scale, global reach, creative capabilities and consumer insight experience.

Prepared for the Next Chapter

Our team is excited to join Infosys for this new stage of our journey. As always, we are committed to delivering exceptional solutions, growing our digital customer experience capabilities, and to help clients navigate their digital transformation journey.

We couldn’t be more thrilled to join the Infosys family, and to take an exciting next step towards the future of Digital Customer Experience we’ve been focused on for the past decade.

And Finally: Thank You!

We are proud of – and grateful for – all the amazing work our team has achieved so far. We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish as part of the Infosys family.

A warm thank you to our customers – you have played a fundamental role in our success and by becoming a part of the Infosys family, we will be able to better serve you and your customers as we elevate our scale, technical acumen, global reach, creative capabilities & consumer insight expertise. Together, we will be able to offer unrivaled services and insights to help companies become the new leaders of digital experience & commerce.

You can read the official press release here.

The adventure continues!

Chris Guerra
Greg Boone
Co-CEOs, Blue Acorn iCi