Adobe Summit and Magento Imagine Canceled Among Coronavirus Concerns

Adobe Summit and Magento Imagine Canceled Among Coronavirus Concerns

On March 2nd, Adobe made the difficult decision to cancel its annual Adobe Summit and Magento Imagine events in Las Vegas and plan to host them as an online experience.

In their announcement, Adobe representatives said, “We have been closely monitoring and evaluating the situation around COVID-19 to ensure we are taking the necessary measures to protect the health and wellbeing of Adobe Summit attendees.”

While we will miss the connections, comradery, and inspiration from the in-person event, we are excited to be part of the Summit and Imagine online experiences.

Other tech companies made a similar move with Google canceling its Cloud Next Event, Facebook canceling F8, and Shopify canceling Shopify Unite.

For more information about refunds, hotel reservations, and event details, visit Adobe’s FAQ page.

If you were hoping to connect with the Blue Acorn iCi team at Imagine or Summit, please reach out to us here. As a digital customer experience company, we can help you with anything from analytics and optimization to ecommerce and direct-to-consumer service needs.