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Asset Management

Increase Productivity and Collaboration With Asset Management

Manage, store, and organize assets with the right systems in place.

Asset management systems give businesses a centralized location for their media and data files, such as videos, images, and documents. Blue Acorn iCi experts can assess current content landscapes and implement new systems to improve efficiencies.


What Is Digital Asset Management (DAM)?

The importance of DAM for businesses.

Digital asset management (DAM) helps teams store, manage, and organize existing content or assets in one central location. When digital assets are in one place, organizations can ensure the correct material is uploaded, downloaded, and distributed properly. Blue Acorn iCi can migrate existing files into a DAM and train an organization’s staff to streamline workflows.

How Teams Benefit from a DAM:

Graphic image of a hand holding a document with a checkmark

Organization & Accessibility

Improved asset organization and accessibility

Graphic of a gear with a dollar sign, circled by arrows on a blue digital pattern

Cost Efficiency

Reduced licenses and associated costs

Progressive white arrows on a circuit-like blue background


Faster time to market

A forward upward arrow graphic symbol merging with gears on a blue circuit-patterned background

Brand Enhancement

Enhanced brand consistency and customer experiences

White icons of four people in a circle with arrows, on a blue patterned background

Efficient Collaboration

Improved collaboration and workflow efficiencies

White symbols of a computer, globe, padlock, gear, and shield on a blue digital background, depicting cybersecurity.

Compliance & Security

Adherence with compliance and security standards

Digital graphic of a computer monitor with a cog and recycling arrow

Upgrades & Features

Ease of upgrades to roll out new DAM features and functionality

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Control permissions, publish content, and distribute assets with ease

With the right processes in place, organizations streamline content production and improve the overall content supply chain.

Utilizing an asset management system allows teams to control who has access and manage assets. Organizations can determine who can delete, upload, edit, and distribute assets while also granting or revoking access to a specific permission from a certain user or group of users. Asset publishing and distribution encourages businesses to publish content once and distribute it to various experiences that companies manage.

Easily integrate with the following channels:

Creative Cloud logo

Creative Cloud Applications

Microsoft SharePoint logo

Microsoft SharePoint

Social Media symbols

Social Media

Email Marketing symbol

Email Marketing

Web Services symbol

Web Services

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Asset Management Success Stories

Centralizing content to deliver relevant experiences.

A close-up image of a fiber optic cable with exposed, color-coded wires against a blurred blue background

Case Study: Fortune 500 Telecom Company Revamps Content Strategy Plan

With the help of Blue Acorn iCi, both teams evaluated existing content and implemented methods that aligned with the content creation processes and business goals.

Abstract image of golden lines radiating from a right lower corner

Executive Perspective: Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager combines digital asset management with the power of a content management system to present optimized, customer-centric experiences across channels, including web, email, mobile, and social.

Image showing hands typing on a laptop with a virtual file system overlay

Article: Multi-Channel Content Syndication at Scale

Learn how healthcare companies can become more digitally mature and manage content syndication at scale.